Participating artists:
Brenda L Croft (Australia)
16beaver (USA)
Daniel Boyd (Australia)
Temporary Services (USA)
Jakob Jakobsen (Denmark)
Lisa Kelly (Australia)
SquatSpace (Australia)
Claire Healy and Sean Cordeiro (Berlin/Sydney)
Evil Brothers (Ned and Tom Sevil, Australia)
You Are Here (Keg de Souza and Zanny Begg, Australia)
Michael Rakowitz (USA)
Miklos Erhardt and Little Warsaw (Hungary)
Bijari (Brazil)
Democracia (Spain)
A re-enactment of Allan Kaprow's Push and Pull: A Furniture Comedy for Hans Hofmann (with thanks to the Allan Kaprow Estate). |

SquatSpace are artists and activists engaged with the politics and pleasures of space in the city. From auspicious beginnings at the Broadway Squats in 2000, they have evolved to be a "spaceless" organisation. SquatSpace organise events, co-ordinate projects, and host websites.
In 2005 SquatSpace began the Redfern-Waterloo Tour of Beauty, a bike and bus tour of these inner city Sydney suburbs highlighting some of the contentious spatial and political issues in this area. At each of the stops on the tour visitors meet with a “local”, who speaks briefly about the place and his/her connection to it, answering questions and facilitating discussion before moving on to the next site. The tour is ongoing and evolves with the changing local issues.